God is constantly reminding me that HE IS IN CONTROL. No matter what plans I have or preperations I have made, or things that I think that "I" have completed, God simply says, "I AM."
I AM the Maker of the Heavens
I AM the Bright and Morning Star
I AM the Breath of all Creation
Who always was
And is to come
I AM the One who walked on water
I AM the One who calmed the seas
I AM the Miracles and Wonders
So come and see
And follow Me
You will know
I AM the Fount of Living Water
The Risen Son of Man
The Healer of the Broken
And when you cry
I AM your Savior and Redeemer
Who bore the sin of man
The Author and Perfecter
Beginning and the End
Yes I AM
I AM the Spirit deep inside you
I AM the Word upon your heart
I AM the One who even knew you
Before your birth
Before you were
Going through this flood at camp also reminds me of how God's hand was sovreignly in every part of this week. From the darkness of Thursday morning, to the sunset on Thursday night. God says for us to "Cease striving. Be still, and know that I AM God." Psalm 46:10
Weathering The Storm
by Vanese Henley
Right now you're weathering your storm...But know that storms don't last forever. Like the strongest tree you are a sound and rooted structure that will not waiver beneath the attacks and assaults of your storm. Yet after the whirlwinds, downpours, and twisters has settled and calmed you will find that, like the tree, you are unmoved and still standing but stronger and sounder and more rooted than you've ever stood before.